
A generation meant to live victoriously with a destiny filled with purpose...

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Life of Purpose: This Life is Not Our Own

What is it there to life? I wake up every morning to work, eat, and socialize before going to bed looking forward towards the exact same thing. I would probably be doing this for another 80 years (God willing) or so. But is this all there is? Is life just supposed to be a routine? If this is true, then humans have just wasted thousands of years living a boring life of schedules and habits. There must be more to life than this.

Life is not just about ourselves. This life is not our own. Our existence in this world affects the lives of others. We are all connected and that connection would determine the destiny of each one of us. I am who I am because of the people around me. That is why I simply can't live for myself... If I would do anything to make myself better no matter the cost, how will this affect the ones around me?

Selfish desires to reach our gain with the expense of another: this is the reason why the world is so broken. We want to gain fame and fortune, but the cost is the abandonment of our soul and stepping over other people to reach it. Mark 8:36 says, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Is wealth really worth abandoning our hearts? All the richest people in this world would be forgotten by the next century unless they make a mark in the lives of others. As Lea said in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: "I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories (hearts), I can live forever."

In my two years of being in Canada, I have been searching for an environment where I feel comfortable and 'at home'. I settled in the Every Nation church here in Toronto because I felt very peaceful there. I have been weighing the comparisons as to why this 'mysterious peace' exist. Now, I know. I feel most comfortable in an area where others' wellbeing are more important than the self. The first time I attended, I was greeted by a number of the church members who showed genuine interest in getting to know me. Serving others before self is what's most important in impacting other people's life. Love God, and Love People; for these are the greatest commandments that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself spoke to His followers.

I'm imagining a better world: a world of peace, a world of kindness, a world of harmony. The world would be a much better place if we take our focus off of ourselves and redirect it to helping others. It all starts with each of us individuals. We make the world. We make the choices. What will you choose?

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